Software used: Flash
Concept- Design- animation: Giada Mancini
Software used: Flash
Micromondo (Microworld) -Animundi Cartoon Studio - all rights reserved. (2001)
MICROMONDO - by Giada Mancini
T-PO 3 is a little alien from a remote, tiny planet in the Third Astral System. Its thirst for knowledge and desire to find new friends lead it to discover and explore “new worlds”, in the company of ROBOTOLO (a higly sophisticated robot!).
In the beta astral period he sets out to discover Microworld, which is to be found in the micro dimensions of planet Earth! Thanks to its “takeyanywhere” (a portable multi-purpose computer), T-po3 and Robotolo get themselves miniaturized and, in a blue lightening, they penetrate the “new dimension”! And a fantastic kind of view opens up before their eyes: strange radiant creatures that rise just like suns or moons, a succession of landscapes full of bush and mountains with curious shapes, transparent filaments that move in the air looking like extremely long clouds. But, above all, it will meet some cute and funny organisms whom it will befriend!
There is DUSTSPECK the curious one, MITE the shy, VIRUS the troublemaker, COCCUS the glutton and BUG the sleepy one.
Together with them T-po3 goes about discovering the wonders of MICROWORLD. From its adventures he will learn, by means of tender games, how many unknown e “stupefacious” things surround him, often causing its exclamations of wonder! … “Ohhh…QUASAR! What an exciting journey!” .